Wide spectrum of noise in wind parks
Wide spectrum of noise in wind parks
Long-term noise monitoring in wind parks has revealed noise coming from snow ploughs, tractors, snow mobiles and traffic, amongst other things. To what extent do these sources contribute to the area’s noise level? How much do the acoustics or background noise levels change as the seasons change, for example? Are some noises more disruptive in the winter than in the summer when snow, ice and leafless trees harden the acoustics of the area? These issues are difficult to resolve without continuous noise monitoring.
Continuous monitoring made effortless
The Aures Wind system is being used to successfully monitor an area susceptible to noise emissions from a Nordic wind park. The system monitors noise levels and continuously forwards the captured data. The client can monitor the data from the APL Systems web service. In addition, APL Systems provides the client with a monthly report. Obtaining exact data on the noise levels in the area is useful in, for example, planning the use of the wind park.
When investigating noise levels the data can be analysed over a shorter term so that the changes are more clearly visible. If there are frequencies that stand out they can easily be spotted on 1/3 octave bands. The effects on overall noise levels or certain frequency bands when using the wind turbines differently can also be examined with the Aures Wind service. Deviations in the operational noise of the wind turbine can be easily spotted by monitoring changes on critical frequency bands. This can be used to predict the wind park's maintenance needs. The sound signal recorded by the Aures Wind system can also be used to identify other sources that contribute to the noise levels in the area.
The longer the Aures Wind service is used the more accurate the knowledge of the area's noise levels. Seasonal changes, changes in traffic volume, varied usage of the wind park and other activities causing noise in the area, may all influence the short-term data. Aures Wind ensures that all sources affecting the noise levels of a sensitive area are taken into account.
If you would like to know more about the Aures Wind service. CLICK HERE