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Consulting on noise relaited issues

Particle Monitoring in Quarries and Mines


Long Term Fine Particle Monitoring 

Online PM2.5 and PM10 results directly to your monitor. 

PM 2.5 AND

AuresAir makes it easy follow important key values on fine particle monitoring. Wirelessly operated unit can be set up quickly and it will start monitoring right away.


Online user interface consists quick overview and more detailed data reviewing tools. Trend analysis can be obtained easily.


Fine particles can also be monitored indoors. Fine particles can cause health effects so understanding how much particles there are in the air can reduce these risks. 

Environmental Monitoring
HSE Monitoring

Knowing your fine particle sources and controlling particles in work places is key to make working environment better. AuresAir can monitor fine particles e.g. close to crushing equipment, inside the cockpits of working machines and in underground mines. Installation and move of the equipment is easy. Results can transfer wirelessly to cloud service. 

Several units are installed around the area and within the site. Results are collected to analysed based on production times and weather information. Multi Location monitoring will produce information also on background fine particle concentrations. 

Environmental services

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