Combining Acoustic Data and Machinery Operation Data – Practical Example
Value for Money
In today's industrial landscape, optimizing machinery operation is paramount for efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness. One innovative approach to achieving these goals is by integrating acoustic data with machinery operation and process control. Acoustic data, often overlooked, can offer invaluable insights into the health and performance of equipment and production process.
How to utilize Power of Sound?
Acoustic data can be used to optimize machinery operation. By analyzing sound patterns during various operational conditions, you can identify the most efficient settings and operating parameters. This information can lead to energy savings, reduced chemical consumption, improved production rates, and prolonged machinery lifespan.
Power of Sound in Practice
APL Systems CTO Tero Korhonen describes a case example about what can be gained by combining process info with acoustic data: “For example, particle size variation in liquids can change the sound of an industrial piping system. So, if there is variation of particle size, accumulating clogging, and other relevant factors in the material flow in pipes and chambers, it can be detected with changes in sound. This information utilizing sound can then lead to major savings in process optimization, chemical consumption, and energy costs.”