National interest towards noise and acoustics education
Published October 7th, 2020. APL Systems CEO Antti Leskinen states that it is great to see interest in noise-related education at the...
APL Systems Selected to Smart Data Growth Path Program
Published May 4th, 2020. The jury of the Smart data Growth Path (Smart Data Kasvupolku) valued the clearly stated data refinement. 15...
”Rörnät och Klimat 2019”, 26 - 27 March 2019, Gothenburg
Published February 20th, 2019. APL Systems will be attending the “Rörnät och Klimat 2019” conference in Gothenburg. We are looking...
New Sales Director for industry
Published October 12th, 2018. Ari Suhonen will start as Head of Sales, Industry in APL Systems Ltd on 20.10.2018. Ari has a long career...
We are hiring: Sales Representative, Nordics
APL Systems is seeking a Nordics Sales Representative, to cover Nordics, to join our Acoustic Maintenance and Compliance sales, APL...
Vesihuoltopäivät 23.5.-24.5.2018
AuresSound on tänä vuonna esillä myös Vesihuoltopäivillä Lappeenrannassa. Esittelemme uutta verkostojen kriittisten paikkojen akustista...
Installation Van Gets A New Look
We had recently our van fitted with the new AuresSound logos. So, keep an eye (or ear) out for our field crews at a site near you.
All Energy Event 10.-11.5.2017 Glasgow, Scotland Stand H05
APL Systems will be in All Energ event in Glasgow 10-11.5.2017. We will presenting there AuresSound blade condition monitoring system for...
Meluntorjuntapäivät Jyväskylä
Olimme mukana omalla osastollamme Meluntorjuntapäivillä Jyväskylässä 22.-23.3.2017. Tietoa tapahtumasta ja luentomateriaalit löytyy...
WinterWind 2017
APL Systems’ presentation Winterwind in 7.-8.2.2017 Skellefteå, Sweden Come to listen our VP Timo Mämmelä’s talk on “Acoustic...