APL Systems releases new website.
We have released the new company web site. The newly designed site offers a good overview of our services: AuresSound® sound monitoring...

Happy Holidays and New Year 2017
Have a Great Holiday season and Prosperous Year 2017.

Energia Messut 2016
Kiitoksia kaikille kävijöille, joita tapasimme energia messuilla.

Energia Messut in Tampere, Finland on 25.-27.10.2016.
APL Systems will be present at Energia Messut in Tampere, Finland on 25.-27.10.2016. Energia Messut is the The number one event of the...

APL at Inter.Noise 2015 San Francisco
APL Systems Oy at Inter.noise 2015 in San Francisco, CA, USA. APL System Ltd is presenting together with Wärtsilä Inc. and JTK Power: Low...

APL Systems Stand at Meluntorjuntapäivät in Jyväskylä
APL Systems took part in the Finnish National Noise Abatement event (Meluntorjuntapäivät) in Jyväskylä. The event took place on the 25th...

Winter Wind 2015 Piteå, Sweden
We had your presentation in Winter Wind 2015 on the Tuesday 3.2.2015. Thank you for all who came to listen to us. APL Systems Team.

Winter Wind 2015
APL Systems is in Winter Wind 2015 meeting in Piteå Sweden. We present our results on Long-term noise monitoring in wind parks. Read here...

APL Systems Oy at Inter.noise 16.-19.11.20014 in Melbourne, Australia.
APL Systems Oy at Inter.noise 16.-19.11.20014 in Melbourne, Australia. APL System Ltd is presenting together with Wärtsilä Inc. - AURES...

Welcome to Internoise 2014 in Melbourne in November
The 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering will be taking place November 16-19, 2014 in Melbourne Australia. The theme...