Online acoustic measurement can be used to control the operation of valves and fans on the roof of a
The Aures OnLine Service is an online acoustic measurement service that can be used to control the operation of valves, fans and bearings...

Wide spectrum of noise in wind parks
Wide spectrum of noise in wind parks Long-term noise monitoring in wind parks has revealed noise coming from snow ploughs, tractors, snow...

APL Systems Provides Noise Expertise for Sustainable Mining Project
The HIME project researches how mining and associated early refining processes release particle matter (PM) into air, which may have...

INTER-NOISE 2013, the 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, was held this year in Innsbruck, Austria...

Long-Term Noise Monitoring in Wind Parks
Long-term noise monitoring − reliable information about the sound spectrum of a wind farm.

AURES OnSite - NOISE MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEMS APL Systems Oy introduces Aures OnSite, a noise monitoring and reporting service....

APL Systems Oy will be soon introducing a new service package for indoor and outdoor noise measurements. We are introducing our...