APL at Inter.Noise 2015 San Francisco

APL Systems Oy at Inter.noise 2015 in San Francisco, CA, USA.
APL System Ltd is presenting together with Wärtsilä Inc. and JTK Power:
Low frequency noise investigation and soluti
on for a large diesel engine factory in the city
Presentation provides through look on what you can achieve with automatic noise levels monitoring in industrial site and in the city. Results show that the noise levels from traffic is higher than noise emission from factory. However, the noise disturbance to the neighbourhood from factory exhaust pipelines is still of great importance because of its low frequency features which can cause discomfort to people.
AURES -platform fulfils and exceeds the present requirements for environmental noise monitoring. Sometimes, even when the LAeq level is below the limitation, noise complaints can still arise due to low frequency annoyance. Full spectral recording of AURES 2.0 monitoring units make users available to monitor low frequencies and to listen to the sounds.
Full story can be heard in San Francisco.
Full Paper can be obtained from APL Systems Oy after Internoise. Just sent a message to us at www.apl.fi